The NICL’s components partecipate to CHISA 2002 (Prague 22-26 Agust 2022). They presented Key lectures, oral presentation, posters. Many of these works (7) were coauthored with members of Åbo Akademi’s Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry and Reaction Engineering .
NICL and Åbo Akademi’s Lab. of Ind.l Chemi. and React. Eng. members at CHISA 2022
C411 Micreoreactor modelling for ethoxylation reactions; a starting point to design a pilot plant. *M. Di Serio, V. Russo, W. Hreczuch (Univ. Naples, Napoli, IT)
C4.1 Oxidation of alcohols promoted by gold in a microreactor: kinetic and modelling study. *L. Mastroianni1, V. Russo1, Z. Vajglová, K. Eränen, D. Y. Murzin, T. Salmi (Åbo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI; 1Univ. Napoli Federico II, IT)
D3.3 Catalytic screening and kinetic investigation of ethyl levulinate ketalization with glycerol. V. Russo, *F. Taddeo, R. Esposito, R. Tesser, M. Di Serio (Univ. Naples, Napoli, IT)
D3.6 Revealing the role of stabilizers in H2O2 for the peroxyformic acid synthesis and decomposition kinetics. *T. Cogliano, V. Russo, R. Turco2, E. Santacesaria3, M. Di Serio, T. Salmi1, R. Tesser (Univ. Napoli Federico II, IT; 1Åbo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI; 2Inst. Polym. Composites Biomater., Pozzuoli, IT; 3Eurochem Eng., Milano, IT)
D6.1 Keynote lecture: Solid foams as structured catalysts – interaction of intrinsic kinetics and external mass transfer. *T. Salmi, V. Russo1 , A. Freites Aguilera (Åbo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI; 1Univ. Napoli Federico II, IT)
D6.4 Keynote lecture: Shallow beds are not plug flow reactors – analysis of kinetic data in the presence of axial dispersion effects. *V. Russo1, A. Freites Aguilera, T. Salmi (Åbo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI; 1Univ. Napoli Federico II, IT)
D6.5 Nonanoic acid esterification: from batch to continuous operation. *F. Taddeo, R. Vitiello, R. Tesser, K. Eränen1, T. Salmi1, V. Russo1, M. Di Serio (Univ. Napoli Federico II, IT; 1Åbo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI)
G3.1 Transient behaviour and modelling of trickle bed reactors: alkene epoxidation with hydrogen peroxide. *M. Alvear, M. E. Fortunato1, F. Orabona1, M.-L. Reich2, V. Russo1, M. Di Serio1, S. Haase2, T. Salmi (Åbo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI; 1Univ. Napoli Federico II, IT; 2Tech. Univ., Dresden, DE)
G5.2 Dynamic modelling of a chemical reactor: case study of trickle bed reactor used in arabinose oxidation. *M. Hachhach, V. Russo1, D. Y. Murzin, T. Salmi (Åbo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI; 1Univ. Napoli Federico II, IT)
P1.10 Adsorption of ibuprofen on activated carbon: experimental data validation using adsorption dynamic intraparticle model (ADIM). *M. E. Fortunato, M. Hmoudah, R. Paparo, M. Trifuoggi, R. Tesser, V. Russo, M. Di Serio (Univ. Naples, Napoli, IT)
P1.12 Adsorption kinetics of Iopamidol onto activated carbon. *R. Paparo, F. Uggeri1, M. Trifuoggi, V. Russo, G. Carotenuto2, L. Nicolais (Univ. Naples, Napoli, IT; 1Bracco SpA, Milano, IT; 2IPCB-CNR, Napoli, IT) [429]