Fabrizio Cavani Gabriele Centi Martino Di Serio Ilenia Rossetti Antonella Salvini Giorgio Strukul
Fondamenti di chimica industriale: Materie prime – Prodotti – Processi – Sostenibilità, 2022 Zanichelli
The need to produce in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way and the progressive shift towards renewable energy resources and raw materials have changed the general scenario of chemical production in Italy in the last decades and have redefined its fundamental parameters. Fundamentals of Industrial Chemistry was born from the initiative of the Industrial Chemistry Division of the Società Chimica Italiana, with the dual purpose of redefining the current perimeter of the discipline, in light of the new prospects of sustainability, and to become a reference text in our universities. The first part of the work defines the fundamental principles – from gas properties to catalysis, from material and energy balances to chemical plants – and continues with an examination of the development of processes: from conceptual aspects to the various stages of development, up to their impact on the environment, economic management and safety. In addition, it presents an overview of raw materials, both traditional and renewable, and draws a broad picture of energy and sustainability issues. The second part analyzes some 20 processes in all their aspects, to provide a specific and didactically effective exemplification of the principles set out in the first part. There is also a chapter on formulations, a reality toward which a major part of the national chemical industry has moved since the early 2000s.