Industrial Chemistry for Circular and Bio Economy – The call for candidature is open

The call for candidature is open for Master’s Degree in Industrial Chemistry for Circular and Bio Economy  a joint master’s degree program Università di Napoli Federico II – Politecnico di Torino


The candidate have to send to the following documentation:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Bachelor Certificate
  • Diploma Supplemet or Graduate Record Examination
  • English Certification
  • Motivational letter
  • Eventual recommendation letters.

After the examination of the documentation, if the curriculum of the student satisfied the required criteria, he/she will be contacted for an on-line interview. The content of interview will be focused also on basic knowledgments  of chemistry.

Students that need VISA must apply also on Universititaly web site. Please register on the portal Universitaly and upload the required documents. In  the application, please select “University of Naples Federico II”; leave blank the tax code, if you do not have it yet, and the ID account at the selected University; select the Italian Embassy/Consulate of the country where you will apply for the study VISA. The International Didactic office of University of Naples Federico II (UNINA) will carry out its own preliminary assessment of the individual applications by requesting from the student a copy of the academic qualifications and any other document deemed useful for the purpose of this preliminary assessment. The office will contact the Coordinator of degree to conclude the evaluation of your application.  In case of positive evaluation the UNINA will validate the pre-enrolment application by entering the relevant data on the UNIVERSITALY portal. After the validation by UNINA, candidates will apply for pre-enrollment at the Italian Embassy/Consulate of their residing country to obtain the study visa. The preliminary acceptance by the university does not confer any right to obtain a visa.